Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 31 (April 20)

Had the worst night since I can remember being home from the hospital.  That valium I took at 1030 pm didn't do anything so I took an oxy at 1220.  It kicked in pretty quick and I was asleep by 1.  Pill wore off after 3 hours and I woke up at 345 in a lot of pain.  Took an oxy and then tossed and turned for 3 hours.  Pain was coming back so I took an oxy 10 mg extended release at 630 and slept until 9.  Have been okay so far today.  Really hope tonight is better.  I don't want to take any meds as I've been on them more or less for a month (with the occasional day without).

Update: had to leave the house for a few hours and take my mother to the doc.  25 minutes in car each way and 40 minutes in office with leg elevated to waist level.  Tolerated it pretty well.  Leg really started hurting in the evening again.  I didn't mess around and took a 12 hour oxy and a valium.

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