Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 13 (April 2)

Still really groggy when first waking up and can't seem to get warm.  Very strange for me as I don't usually like too many covers.  Took my temp and I'm fine.

Slept decently.  I stack 2 sets of pillows, one for my bad leg and one for my other leg so I can sleep on my side.  

Used cast protector from docs office and took shower.  Water went down back of leg so had to call docs office.  As it's a Saturday, the on call doc just said to either go to ER/Urgent care or deal until Monday.  Wow, very helpful.  I used a blow dryer on cool for about a 1/2 hour and it seems to have helped a bit.

Toes are back to tingling and pinkie toe partially numb.  Feels like cast is too tight on foot.

Took a norco at 2 pm and another at 10 pm.  Not getting the searing hot pain as much anymore.  Mostly shooting electric pain that causes whole body to cringe.  Been using ice behind knee and it helps a little.    

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