Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 27 (April 16)

Foot still felt a bit swollen today.  Seems to swell in the actual foot, not sure if it's happening in the ankle as well.  The bottom of my foot feels like it's on fire.  I took 1.5 norco at 12:30 pm as it was getting a bit uncomfortable.  Then left house and went to niece's birthday party.  Was able to spend most of the time on couch with my foot at waist level.  Could tell after a few hours that my foot was swelling a bit and I was also having a hard time getting comfortable.  Got home about 4:00 and put leg up immediately.  6:45 now and had to take an oxy.  Going to keep it elevated in hope that the swelling and pain go back down.  On a positive note, my toes didn't seem to be as purple today when I was standing and moving around.  

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