Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 17 (April 6)

Slept great last night.  Didn't wake up covered in sweat.  Really beginning to think it's bc of the pain killers.  Not good.

Calf was a bit more swollen this morning than last night.  I must not have my leg up high enough when I'm sleeping.

I went out to living room and spent about 20 minutes sitting on couch with my leg on the floor.  Darn thing blew right up again and feels like it's way too big for cast.  Hurts like crazy.  This is really frustrating.

Update: After elevating leg above heart for 40 minutes, the swelling has reduced to a tolerable level.

I spoke with nurse at doctor's office and asked about timeline for recovery.  She advised at least one more week with leg raised above heart as much as possible.  She said the more we control the swelling now, the faster it will heal.  She recommends continuing pain killers as necessary and continuing to test the leg.  Wants me to try 20 minutes again tomorrow and then elevate.  Try 25 the next day and so on.  I did ask about the risk of DVT and she said as long as I am wiggling my toes for 5 minutes at a time a few times a day and getting up every few hours during day, it shouldn't be an issue.

I did go out to a local restaurant for 1.5 hours.  I brought a pillow and put leg on chair.  My foot and ankle are swollen but within tolerance.  I did take 1.5 norco before leaving.

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