Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 18 (April 7)

Best nights sleep so far.  Didn't even take any meds.  I was so exhausted after leaving the house for an hour that I fell asleep at 10:30 and didn't wake up until 8 am.

I started off the day pretty well.  Went out to living room, sat on couch, and had leg down for 30 minutes.  Put it up afterwards and didn't have any major swelling or pain.  Great.  Then, 3 hours later while sitting with leg up on couch, my foot, ankle, and leg light up something terrible.  My heel is feels really hot, not the searing poker pain like immediately after surgery but just really hot.  Getting the random crippling shooting pains and foot is aching.  Ended up putting ice behind knee and taking an Oxy IR.  Going to give it a half hour and see what happens.  It's actually bad enough where I"m contemplating taking another.  Would be first time since day 8.

Ended up having to take another Oxy at 8 pm.  Didn't do anything for me.  Took my aspirin, didn't help.  Had one of those crazy shooting nerve spams that made my whole foot flex.  Can't explain the pain. Finally took a valium at 11.

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