Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 20 (April 9)

Only 30 more days in cast!

Had a horrible night.  Couldn't get comfortable and leg was aching pretty bad.  Woke up and it's still pretty swollen.  My toes feel numb like they did last week (they aren't, except for pinkie toe).  Glad I went last night as it was a good test.  Definitely shows improvement and hope to be able to do 4 hours by next weekend.  Quite a bit of pain today and will probably end up taking pk's.  Took my aspirin and hoping it helps.  Going to give it another 30 minutes.

Update:  Today was the worst day since I got back from the hospital.  Can't understand the way the pain works with this surgery.  About 10 am I had to take an oxycodone.  At 11, I was still miserable and took another.  Pain was just a horrible ache throughout my ankle and foot with the random shooting nerve pain.  The pills seemed to help a bit but the pain came right back at 3:30 pm and had to take 2 more oxy. These numbed it but I still felt a horrible pressure on the bottom of my foot, almost like something was boring into my arch.  That was new.  Pain didn't come back as bad in the evening and I was able to get by with a diazepam (valium) before bed.

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