Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 15 (April 4)

Finally fell asleep around 1 am.  Woke up at 1:30 with pillow soaked with sweat.  Was told this is body expunging all the synthetics left over from meds.  Not fun.  Slept until 8 and woke up less groggy than the last few days.  That's progress.  I called doctors office to tell nurse about cast getting wet.  She said that if it doesn't feel wet anymore or like there are blisters forming, it isn't a problem.  No idea if it's wet (where I can't get my fingers) or if blisters are forming as the whole thing hurts.  Oh well, guess I'll wait it out.  One thing to note, when I saw the horrible b-grade doctor on Friday, she told me I no longer needed to take aspirin.  I reconfirmed with nurse today who checked with another doctor and said that is 100% wrong and I need to stay on aspirin regimen the entire time I have the cast on to reduce a risk of clot.

Took a bath today and leg really lit up afterwards.  That feeling of the cast being too tight is back with a tremendous ache throughout foot and ankle.  Tried a diazepam instead of a Norco and it seems to have helped a bit.

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