Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 23 (April 12)

Slept okay last night considering I had to keep the CAM walker on.  Took another oxy extended release before heading to docs office to get new cast.  New cast feels very tight, not very comfortable at all.  Once cast was on, I asked if I could speak with a nurse about expectations going forward.  Was advised that I should keep my foot down more and more each day and should be able to keep it down for 4+ hours at a time in a few weeks.  The nurse said it's good to get the leg used to being down again and I should only need to elevate it for 20 minutes 3 or 4 times a day.  Said I no longer need to elevate at night.  What's interesting/concerning is that these instructions are different from the ones I received last week (from a different nurse).  She also said I can take ibuprofen as long as its not within 6 hours of the aspirin as both thin the blood.  I did not know that ibuprofen thinned the blood.  Oh well.  Leg has been really sore all day and I'm going to take another oxy extended before bed.  Plan to not take meds tomorrow unless it's absolutely necessary.


  1. I'm having foot reconstruction in June and your blog is helpful (but scary). I like to know what to expect, so this definitely gives me more to chew on. Thanks for taking the time.

  2. Good luck. I hope you have a better experience than I have. Feel free to ask questions if you have any.
