Tuesday, March 20, 2012

12 Months (March 20)

Woke up this morning with even less pain.  Am able to cruise around using my crutches.  It's still extremely painful to put weight on foot.  Still taking meds and waiting now to get discharged.  Will update when there's news.

Update:  Doc was in surgery all day and didn't complete the paperwork for me to get discharged.  Sat around the hospital until 5 pm and then was finally let go.  It was okay with me as my pain was well under control and I was comfortable.  I stopped by pharmacy on the way home to pick up prescriptions:  80 5 mg Oxy, 40 10 mg Lortab, 24 5 mg Diazepam.  My pill schedule is pretty nasty, going to be up every few hours if I try to follow the doctor's orders.  We'll see.  I'm pretty out of it now but my leg is really starting to hurt.  Will need to take some more meds soon.

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