Wednesday, March 21, 2012

1 Year (March 21)

Wow, it has been one year since my original surgery.  Hard to believe.  Definitely one of the worst years of my life on many different levels.

So, got home last night and everything was fine.  I was pretty loaded up on the meds from the hospital and took a Lortab when I got home so I wasn't in much pain.  I decided to try sitting on the couch to start out.  I had my foot up and was icing so everything was fine.  Except, I started getting really loopy again. I really don't like the feeling.  I equate to it seeing someone that is really really drunk and you can tell that they want to stay awake but keep passing out.  That's me on the meds.  I finally gave up and got in bed.  It's amazing how much less stress there is in the hospital just from knowing someone is there to take care of you, bring you meds, and help you if you need it.  Anyway, I put together my pill schedule which called for me to be up every couple of hours for medicine.  I didn't set an alarm and just figured my body will tell me when it's time.  The weather here has been absolutely gorgeous so I had my windows open and the fan on (March in Michigan!).  I had a few water bottles next to the bed as well as some snacks for the middle of the night.  I used the yellow pillow wedge thing that the hospital gave me to prop my leg on and also packed a few pillows in next to it so I can sleep on my side.  I took Oxy at about 9:40 and was asleep by 10.  I woke up at 1:30 to pee and took my Lortab and Diazepam.  Slept until about 4:30 and got up to pee, took more Oxy.  I slept until 7, took my Lortab and went back to sleep until 8:30.  I got up, grabbed a piece of raisin toast for my stomach and took a diazepam.  Relaxed in bed and took my aspirin at 9.  Overall, not a bad morning.

I got out of bed a little bit ago to fill up my water bottle and mix up the stool softener thing.  Was on my feet for about 5 minutes.  Back in bed now with my leg propped up and it's pretty sore and throbbing.  I just took two more Oxy, hope I don't turn into a noodle again.

I have to say it again, having a med schedule written out next to the bed is a life saver.  It's very hard to keep track of when the meds have been taken.  The one thing that I may do is get a small flash light to keep by my bed so I don't have to put on the big light in the middle of the night to see which meds are which bottle.  I freaked myself out at one point bc I thought I had taken two Diazepam instead of Oxy.  That would have been bad.

My foot is aching pretty bad and it feels like there is a lot of pressure from my ankle to my toes.  My toes still don't feel normal, they don't have all of the sensation back yet.  Almost feels like they are asleep which is dangerous bc if they do go to sleep, I have to go back to the ER.

Will try to post a pic of the yellow wedge pillow thing from the hospital.  I definitely recommend getting one.

Here's a pic of the wedge.  It really is perfect when you are in the hospital bed and can change the angles of the mattress.  For a regular bed, I put a small pillow at the front of it so there is gradual support for my leg.  I also put one or two big pillows on either side so that I can sleep on my side with my bad foot on the wedge but my knee hanging off the side but supported by the extra pillows.

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