Friday, March 23, 2012

1 Year + (March 23)

(have added update after surgical report)

It turns out that my simple screw removal procedure turned into a more complex operation.  I wondered why the doc sent me home with 80 oxy, 40 norco, and 25 valium.  I just got the surgical report and now I know why.

Here are excerpts from the report:

Preoperative Diagnosis:
1.  Left insertional Achilles tendonitis
2.  Painful retained hardware, left calcaneus
3.  Haglund's deformity, left calcaneus
4.  Painful prominent ridge, left lateral calcaneus status post lateral slide osteotomy

Postoperative Diagnosis:

1.  Debridement of Achilles tendon
2.  Removal of hardware from left calcaneous
3.  Excision of left retrocalcaneal bursa
4.  Excision of Haglund's deformity, left calcaneus
5.  Removal of prominent ridge left lateral calcaneal tuberosity through separate incision

Technique (highlights only)
1.  Achilles was cut in half and debrided
2.  Screws were removed
3.  Inflamed bursa was visualized and removed
4.  Haglund's deformity was resected and the __ most portion of the tuberosity was smoothed down to a good bleeding calcaneous bone
5.  The ___ portion of the calcaneus was then smoothed out with a bur obtaining a smooth surface and removing Haglund's deformity completely.
6.  Incision was made over lateral tuberosity of the calcaneus along previous incision and carried down to bone.  An inch of bone at the level of the previous lateral collateral osteotomy was removed and smoothed.
7.  The two halves of the Achilles were sewn back together.
8.  Skin was closed

Postoperative plan
Partial weight bearing in CAM walker and crutches for two weeks.  Sutures removed and then 6 weeks in CAM walker.

Here is the actual report, not sure if it will be hard to read.  I had to convert it in order to hide names and such.

I had a pretty good day and have definitely been cutting down on the meds.  It has been a week since the procedure so I figure it's important to start getting back to normal.  I'm taking less than half of what I was originally.  

I decided it was time to bathe today and set up my bath tub like I did after the surgery 1 year ago.  It's a basic shower/tub with a curtain.  I have a pad/grip that suctions to the bottom of the tub that helps to keep me from slipping and also makes it more comfortable.  I fill the tub about 1/3 of the way and then get im with my bad leg hanging out.  I use a towel on the side of the tub as a cushion for my leg.  Everything went fine and I got out and dried off after.  About 30 minutes later, my leg started to hurt.  Not a big deal and I elevated and iced as usual.  I took one norco instead of the oxy.  It seemed to work pretty well.  About 4 hours later, I got in bed and my foot is really sore.  Feel a lot of pressure and overall ache.  It also stings were the stitches are.  First time that has happened.  I just took  2 oxy and a valium in hopes that it will get under control quickly so I can go to sleep.  This is the first time I've let the pain get ahead of me and I don't like it.  

I did some research regarding the procedure my doc did.  I'll post my findings and thoughts tomorrow.  Pretty interesting.    

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