Sunday, March 18, 2012

12 Months (March 18)

Stayed up until 1245 am in order to get all of my meds at the same time (dilaudid shot, oxi pills, valium pill).  At that point, I was starting to get some pain in the Achilles.  Probably a 1 or 2 but getting worse.  I fell asleep at 1 and slept until 2:15 when my heel woke me up.  It's a pretty deep ache and seems to be getting worse.  Probably a 6.  The side of my foot is still numb and so are my toes.  The block is still wearing off.  I did get a shot of dilauded at 230.  Going to try and sleep.  There is no way oral medication would be good enough on its own.  

Update 1.  Resident woke me up this morning for another worthless visit.  Still doesn't know what my doctor did in surgery.  Not sure why he even comes by.  Pain was bad but not horrible this morning.  I did take a shot around 9 and slept until almost 11.  My brother came in with his family and hung out with me for a bit which was really nice.  I finally got up to use the big boy bathroom which caused my foot to throb a bit and hurt.  I took the dilauded shot again at 1:25 pm and have never been so uncomfortable.  Couldn't think straight, talk, watch tv....anything.  I slept until 3:15 and woke up in more pain than before.  I've asked my nurse for something else that wont knock me out. She's suggesting that we try half of a shot.  Don't know what to do.  The pain is miserable but I don't want to be knocked out again.

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