Thursday, March 8, 2012

11+ Months (March 8th)

Surgery got pushed due to an old lady wrecking her ankle.  Doesn't help my anxiety but I'm sure it's easier for me to handle the pain and inconvenience than her.  Doc briefly reviewed the MRI results and said everything looks fine.  The plan is to continue with the original surgery next Friday.  He will remove the screws, view the bottom of the achilles, and shave the bone on the lateral side where he did the osteotomy since it may be contributing to the pain.

My appointment was for 3:15 and at 4:15 one of the nurses came out and announced that he is running about an hour and a half behind schedule.  What can you do.  When I finally got back there, he was great.  I told him of my anxiety regarding surgery and he spent a fair amount of time with me putting my concerns to rest.  He even offered valium.  I should have asked about the two parts of the MRI report that mention scar tissue and the inflamed tendon.  Really not sure why I didn't.  Regardless, we reviewed my concerns and I feel much better.  Says there is no reason for my foot have gone up by a shoe size. Oh well. I am feeling much better about this after meeting with him again.


  1. good luck! i feel whata your going threw. I have a blog too


    sorry haha. but really best of wishes.. this isn't easy and i got both my feet done so i'm so sorry you've had so much pain.. my foot that is almost a year isn't that bad but i'mfor sure not 100 percent.. like i expected either. so know there are people who know what you are going through.

  3. Thanks Kristy. I've added your blog to the links page. I can't imagine having this done twice.....

  4. JamesWP, I just signed on to catch up with how you are doing. I am sorry you have to have another surgery however I'm very glad they are doing something to help you!! GOOD LUCK. I sincerely hope this one is a breeze for you!!
