Saturday, March 17, 2012

12 Months (March 17 again)

Pain in my shin was a bit up and down but seemed to be escalating overall.  I was wide awake all night and didn't fall asleep until about 7:45 this morning.  The nurses came through for rounds at 8:30 and asked how my shin was.  I told her it was about a 2 or 3.  However, 4 minutes later, the pain was a 7 creeping on an 8.  Couldn't believe it.  It was a horrible burning pain that seemed to be moving down towards my ankle.  The nurse shot me up with some dilauded and gave me more oxy.  It wasn't helping too much.  Eventually, one of the docs stopped in and took off the cam walker and said that he thinks the ace wrap may be causing the pain.  He unwrapped the ace and started tearing the gauze.  My shin was really bruised and red.  He accidentally put pressure on it when tearing the gauze and it was excruciating.  He didn't really give a reason for the pain but said the tight ace wrap was aggravating it.  He reapplied everything very loosely and I haven't really had any pain since.  Very happy about that.  I crashed for about 3 hours and feel a million times better.

The main nerve block in the back of my leg is still active.  Can't feel anything or move toes.  The nurse wants to keep me on oxi until it wears off just in case it's painful.  She will keep the dialuded on hand in case we need break through medication.

I did get some clarity from my mother regarding her conversation with my surgeon last night.  Turns out that he did tell her that everything went as planned and I should have relief from pain.

Will update when block wears off.

Update: foot started tingling around 8 pm and I could start to move my toes at 10 (just barely).  Nurse gave me dilauded so we can start out ahead of the pain.  It's 11:50 now and I'm starting to get pain the achilles.  Can have dilaudid again 12:15, valium at 12:30, and oxi at 1 am.  A bit nervous now as the block is wearing off more and the pain is building.  Will post an update in the morning.

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