Tuesday, March 20, 2012

12 Months (March 19)

Stopped taking the dilauded the night before and was able to comfortably manage the pain using oxy, lortab,and valium.  A different doc came by in the morning and he was part of the surgical team.  He said they did remove the screws, removed the calcaneal cap, cleaned the bursa, debrided the tendon, drilled down the Haglunds deformity, cleaned some bone spurs that were irritating the achilles, and shaved the shelf of bone on the lateral side.  Sounds like the screws had really upset things.  The plan was to head home in the afternoon.  I told my nurse that I want to walk for a bit using only the oral meds before I leave to make sure I wont be in too much pain when I get home.  She pretty much blew me off.  Couldn't even get her to bring me water.  After a while, my foot was really hurting and I asked for a half shot of dilaudid.  She refused saying that I would then have to spend another night here.  I asked if she could give me something else and she called the pharmacy.  They suggested that she give me another oxy.  I was surprised as I'd just had some an hour before.  Anyway, I took it and it destroyed me.  I was so completely freaked out.  Didn't really know where I was, couldn't concentrate, was just overall very uncomfortable and scared.  The nurse kept trying to push me out and I refused.  Doc came in later and was really good.  Said everything  is perfect surgically and recovery is going along as planned.  Told me to stay the night and to leave in the morning.  Very simple.  Bitter about that damn nurse.  Took it easy on the meds the rest of the night.  Rotated the oxy, norco, and valium.  Had a decent nights sleep.

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