Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 7 (March 27)

Doc stopped by again to check on ankle and said I should be fine to go home.  They want me to stay on same pain meds as in hospital (not the dilaudid though).

Checking out this afternoon.  Here's a list of a few things I took home from hospital that were a big help.
Disposable sanitizing/moisturizing clothes
Extra hospital gown
2 urinals
Little pink plastic pan for using after brushing teeth
4 of the paper ice bag things
Couple of the body washes and lotions

On very strict pain med schedule as leg kills if I don't stay on top of it.  Here's an example of 24 hours:

21.5 pain pills total.  I could have taken the Oxycodone IR every 3 hours (instead of 4) but I didn't need to.  Here's a pic of the sheet I kept next to my bed.  It has the instructions for each medication and the anticipated schedule.  I would just circle the time I took the pill or write in the time.  Worked very well, even in my drugged state.

12 am
2 5 mg Oxycodone IR (instant release) 

2 am
2 10/325 Norco 

3 am
1 5 mg Diazepam (valium) 

4 am
2 5 mg Oxycodone IR

6 am
1 10/325 Norco 

8 am
2 5 mg Oxycodone IR

9 am
1 5 mg Diazepam (valium)

10 am
1 10 mg Oxycodone SR (extended release)
2 10/325 Norco

11 am
325 mg aspirin

12 pm
2 5 mg Oxycodone IR

2 pm
1 10/325 Norco

3 pm
1 5 mg Diazepam

4 pm
2 5 mg Oxycodone IR

6 pm
2 10/325 Norco

8 pm
2 5 mg Oxycodone IR

9 pm
1 5 mg Diazepam

10 pm
1 10 mg Oxycodone SR
1 10/325 Norco

11 pm
325 mg aspirin

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