Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 2 (March 22)

Please note that I wrote this while on a pretty heavy dose of pain killers.  

Took a norco at 1:30 am and another 1/2 at 2 am.  Finally fell asleep around 3 am, was not really having much pain yet but I could begin to feel nerve block wear off (slight tingling in calf).  Woke up at 530 am and took 1 norco and another 1/2 at 6:30.  Still no major pain but continue to feel nerve block wear off.  Guessing when the nerve block will wear off is the most frustrating part so far.  Most of the reports I read online (so take it with a grain of salt) say the nerve block doesn't typically fade, it will begin to wear off and then be gone in an hour.  

Toes are still numb and continue to feel block wear off (tingling on inside of ankle).  Still no major pain.  Took a norco at 10 am, 1/2 at 1030 am.

Throughout the course of the day, the block was fading but only on inside of ankle (not the surgical side) and calf muscle.  Definitely tolerable.    

227 pm, I take a oxycodone 5 mg.

4 pm, block fades completely and my heel and ankle are on fire. I have never experienced pain like this in my life.  Almost to tears.  Bear in mind what I mentioned about my history and familiarity with surgeries and pretty intense pain.  I am very used to pain but nothing like this.  It feels like someone is inserting a molten hot wedge into my heel.  I take a norco at 417 pm.  I call pharmacist to see if I can take more drugs.  Pharmacist says I can either take 2 of the oxycodones and then a norco to break through pain or 2 of the norcos and an oxy to break through pain.  As I'm familiar with the norcos, I decide my approach will be 2 norco and 1 oxy.

Take an oxy at 6 pm, still in tremendous amount of pain.  Take norco at 7 pm, another at 830 pm, still miserable.  Take oxy at 1015 pm and starting to get a little relief.  Getting very drowsy from all of the drugs.  Sleep for 1.5 hours, take oxy at 1015 pm, norco at 1140 pm.  Still awake and not getting much relief.  

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