Monday, April 16, 2012

1 Year + (April 16)

Not much new to report.  Still have burning on the back and side of my foot if any pressure is on it.  Guess the bone is still healing.  If I try to put too much weight on my leg, I still get the weird pain in my achilles.  I have been spending a little more time with the boot off and the front of my ankle really aches.  Hope that gets better soon.  I have been getting quite a bit of spotting in my sock.  Just little blood spots every now an then.  I've started covering one area with a banage with Neosporin on it just to make sure it doesn't get infected.  Here's a pic....

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

1 Year + (April 10)

Okay, this is scary. As noted earlier, I saw the MA to get my stitches out 2 weeks post op. She told me I could transition to FWB between 2nd and 3rd week, sleep with boot off at night, and that it wouldn't be a problem to fly for my interview next week (5 weeks post op). I just spoke with the surgical nurse to confirm if I could sleep with my boot off. She checked with the doc and:

a) I am only allowed to pwb since the bone is still healing.
b) I can not sleep with my boot off and need to keep my leg elevated.
c) I am not allowed to fly or have my leg down for extended periods of time.

No wonder I'm having so much pain and my leg is swelling so much. Now I need to find an alternate way to get some place 12 hours distant by car in order to interview.

Friday, April 6, 2012

1 Year + (April 6)

I was making great progress towards walking without the crutches until yesterday afternoon.  I was using only one crutch and putting nearly all of my weight on my foot when I felt a horrible pull in the achilles.  It dulled down but kept happening every time I would put any weight on my foot.  I ended up not putting much weight on it at all today and am hoping it is improved by tomorrow.  I am getting a burning pain in my heel that is similar to what I felt after the original osteotomy.  It comes and goes and seems to depend on the position of my foot.  I did just look and I do have bruising on the back medial portion so that may have something to do with it.  I'm still averaging about two doses of meds per day.  

Here are some updated pictures.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

1 Year + (April 3)

The last few days have been up and down.  The pain definitely comes every night though and requires meds.  I stopped taking the valium on Saturday and switched from Oxy to Norco yesterday.  I had the worst night of sleep yet last night and woke up in terrible pain.  I had to take more Norco first thing this morning.  The worst part about that is the Norco makes it impossible to study or do any type of thinking.  I called my doctors office and requested a refill of the Oxy this morning but they are saying they don't want to give me any more.  It has only been two weeks since surgery so this is a bit surprising.  The nurse said she will check with the on-call doc since everyone else is on vacation.

I did begin transitioning off of the crutches on Sunday and it has not been easy.  I'm trying to put more weight on my foot in the boot which results in pain in my heel and achilles.  So far, it hasn't been overly miserable but I think that I need to go slow this.  I'm also continuing to get pain in the front of my ankle which is very strange.