Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 101 (June 30)

Worked my leg too hard on Tuesday night and am paying for it.  I've irritated my plantar fascia and need to take a few days off of working out.  Started getting a shooting pain in the bottom of my foot yesterday morning.  It got worse as the day went on.  Seems to be settling a bit now and hope it's gone tomorrow so I can resume my workout.  I was really pleased with how far I was able to walk Tuesday night and went up an down a steep part of the golf course a few too many times.  My therapist says it should calm down on its own and has taped my foot to provide additional support.  She also told me to make sure I keep stretching my toes, especially the big one.  Also had quite  bit of pain on the medial side of my heel.  That was new.  Has calmed down as well.


  1. Day 42 got my cast off and they removed the tape on my scar and it removed the scab that had formed, caused a little bleeding. I have knumbness on the whole right side of foot and pinky toe. My heal feels like a water balloon, is this normal? The doc said I can begin WB on July 4th as tolorated. They think I should be walking in the boot full time within a week, I dont think this is possible because Im so weak. I tried to walk in the pool and could not do it. It felt so weird!! They told me that I did not have to wear the boot in the bed and that I can do ROM exercises. I can, however I dont want to push to hard without seeing PT.The doc said to come back in 4 weeks and I will start to transition into a shoe. This is so hard!!! Will I ever be 34 again I feel like a little old lady that is very weak. Tuesday I went to the grocery store and rode around in one of the electric carts and I also went to a doc appointment. The lady that is helping me on T-Thur drove me around and helped me in and out of appointments. however I had to hop alot and by the end of the day my whole left side was in pain. My knee, calf, thigh, back and LEFT foot(non injured foot). I took a Norco and went to bed! Wed I laid in bed pretty much all day because I was so worried I hurt the other high arched foot!!! Feels better today however note to self do not jump on good leg!!I will keep you posted on any other updates. What state are you in?

  2. Sounds like you're making progress. My heel felt exactly the same. The fat pad has been shifted and takes a long time to return to it's normal state. There are so many nerves down there that it will feel weird for a while. I'm 100 days out and my heel almost feels normal but not quite.

    Listen to your body and if things are hurting to the point that you need meds, you should ease up a bit. Same goes for swelling. For the most part, your foot is healed. It's just a matter of getting it used to weight, strengthening your muscles, and loosening up the joint.

    I've worked my leg too hard and am now suffering from plantar fasciatis. I have to take it easy and not do any long walks for a bit. It's very painful.

  3. When you just got out of your cast could you do ROM in bed. I cand do circles forwards and backwords and side to side about 60%. Is this good? I dont start PT until wed however Ive done Bikram yoga for years so I think that has helped!

  4. walked on foot without a walker today for lunch and a party tonight. Hubby had to carry me out I over did it!! can I hurt my foot if its in the boot?

  5. That ROM is good. I'm still not back to 100%.

    Your foot is healed. It's just a matter of getting it used to weight bearing and strength. In theory, you can't hurt it without a major injury. But, it wont heal as fast if it's swollen and overly aggravated.

  6. just started PT and when I do the exercises I feel tenderness in the incision part of my ankle. Should I back off when I feel this or keep stretching. Its not pain just a little sore. When I walk in the boot my first few steps aches in my ankle but eases up after a bit. Did this happen to you in the boot? When did you begin to walk pain free?

  7. You should ask your therapist. He/she can tell you what to expect. Your condition is different than mine and everyone heals at a different pace. That being said, where the doc made the incision for my calcaneal osteotomy is still very tender. The skin is actually numb but it is sore underneath. I still get shooting pains there. If my therapist rubs it for more than a few seconds, it starts to burn. As far as walking is concerned, my foot always felt better when I was walking as opposed to sitting still. Now, the majority of my pain is when I first start walking. Especially in the morning. My foot/ankle is stiff and takes a bit to warm up. During the day, the pain comes and goes. Also depends whether I'm wearing shoes, barefoot, or sandals. My foot swells 10 times as quickly if I'm wearing sandals. Must have to do with the lack of support.
