Monday, July 18, 2011

4 Months (June 18)

Almost 4 months out from surgery.

Had my first trip since going under the knife.  Wasn't sure how my ankle/foot would handle it.  I wore a compression sock on the flight and took aspirin just in case.  I was very careful to keep my foot moving every 20 minutes or so while in the air and rested it on my bag while waiting at the gate.  My flights were 45 minutes and then 2 hours (~6 hours total travel time).  Was very pleased when I took off the compression sock and my foot was not really swollen at all!  Just a bit around the toes.

The bad news is that I had an interview the following day and was sitting for 8+ hours with my leg down.  My foot exploded.  Was huge.  I didn't wear the compression sock but was still shocked that it swelled so much.  I attribute some of it to having a few beers after the interview as the swelling always seems worse after having a few.  Anyway, I elevated it that night and most of the swelling was gone by the morning.

I did go on a walking tour and was cruising around the city for about 6 hours.  I wore tennis shoes but no compression sock.  Strangely, my foot didn't swell very much.  Very odd.  Once again, I'm beginning to see some correlation between alcohol and the swelling.

Flying back today and will report anything interesting.  Still very upset that I had this surgery.  Not worth the ramifications (in my case).


  1. I am sorry that you are regretting the surgery. I had my surgery May 25th, two months tomorrow. I have not put any weight on my foot yet, but I go to the doctor tomorrow. I am hoping I'll be able to start walking on it soon. I also have complete numbness in areas of my foot and that is distressing. I am not sorry I had the surgery yet, but I can definitely see your point. I just got back from a long weekend of travel and my foot didn't swell at all until the flight home. Then it turned into a little sausage foot and my boot was quite tight. I enjoyed being out and about though.
    Good luck to you and thank you for the update.

  2. Well here is the update from Jennie- PA told me last friday I could take off the boot and put a tennis shoe on walked around all weekend very slow.9 weeks post opp. Tuesday I had a great idea to go to the mall and shop for a new dress. Got around Macy's but my foot began to hurt. As I was checking out I did not think I could make it back to my car. Had to call security to drive me, horrible. Needless to say by the end of the day my ankle was the size off a soft ball. Had to take pain meds. Went to doc this Wed and he put me back in the boot. When will I every be back to normal without thinking about my foot!!!!!!!!

  3. oviously not at 4 months, when will the pain end!

  4. Ouch, sorry to hear that. Hate to say it but you have a long way to go. I'm over 4 months out now and am still having issues.

  5. Great.. I think Im doing good and I push myself to hard and then Im icing and elelvating for 2-3 days. My doctor is in such high demand that I was there from 10-3 wed and I talked with him for maybe 2 min. He also was the doc who told me to take an aleve when my nerve block did not work! A little false advertising being that he told me I would be fine in 4months!

  6. Seriously, there should be some accountability on the part of these docs. Sure, everyone heals differently but they should at least provide a best, worst, and middle-case scenario. Who knows though, you may be fine in another couple of months. Hope you are for your sake!

    And Aleve for after the nerve block wore off? Seriously? He should have the surgery done and see if Aleve takes care of the pain....
