Wednesday, May 2, 2012

13 Months (May 2)

Has been a while since I've posted.  Things are good and bad.  I've definitely made progress regarding the amount of weight I can put on my foot.  However, I'm having a lot of pain in my achilles, heel, and bottom of my foot.  The doctors office has put me on Gabapentin.  They think it may help calm the nerves that are upset.  I started taking it yesterday (1 dose), have taken 2 today, and will take 3 tomorrow.  No benefit yet.  I got a script for 40 Norco Tuesday last week and am down to 3 already.  The docs office doesn't want to give me more.  I'm really hoping my foot calms down otherwise I'll be calling them on Friday and telling them I need more.  Not good.

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