Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 49 on..

Got the cast off and doctor asked me to bear weight.  Very scary but he wanted to check the alignment.  Said everything is surgically correct.  Here are pics of my ankle that day:

The scabbing on my ankle fell off a few days later.  Have some pretty nasty scars that change all sorts of color.

I started PT the next day which consisted of stretching and trying to loosen up the joint.  The first week wasn't bad but the second week is when the pain came back pretty bad.  I was back on round-the-clock meds for about 7 days.  When I put weight on my foot, it felt like there was a bump on the bottom lateral side of my heel.  After a few days of partial weight bearing, it finally went away.  I'm 66 days out now and walked for the first time without crutches or the boot.  Pain was really bad earlier this week and decreased by about 50% over night.  Can't explain.  Barely need the meds now.  It still aches really bad in the mornings or when I have it in the boot and not elevated.  Swells up if I have it down for a few hours.  I think I could probably work as long as I have it elevated.  My therapist applies kiniseo tape when after each session and I believe it helps with the swelling.  I also elevate at night.  The lateral side of my foot is still numb but I think it's getting better.  I can feel the screws in the back of my heel with my fingers but other than that, they don't bother me.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 48 (May 7)

Went to class and made it for 5 hours.  I brought my leg elevating wedge which really helped.  Wasn't able to get it above my heart but probably half way between waist level and heart level.  My foot has swollen a bit but not nearly as bad as yesterday.  I did end up taking norco around 11 this morning. 3 more days in cast....  

Day 47 (May 6)

Went to class tonight for 2 hours.  Toes were very swollen afterwards.  I had my leg propped up on a chair.  Not comfortable.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day 43 - 46 (May 2 - 5)

No major changes to report.  Made it through the day on Tuesday without any pain meds until 1030 pm and my leg went crazy.  Ended up taking oxy.  Wednesday was pretty miserable as well and today wasn't much better. Oxy doesn't seem to be as helpful with the pain as Norco.  Kind of strange.

4 days until I get my cast off.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day 40 - 42 (April 29 - May 1)

Nothing significant to report.  Let has been hurting a bit more.  I did go to the grocery store and walked around for about 15 minutes with my crutches.  Foot blew up right away.  Pain changes from burning in ankle to shooting nerve pain to an overall ache.  I'm now 9 days until I get my cast of though.